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篇名 創意經營的校園美學思考
卷期 237
並列篇名 The Critique on the Campus Creative Management: A Aesthetics Perspective
作者 王智弘廖昌珺
頁次 071-084
關鍵字 美學思考模式校園美學創意經營學校經營aesthetics thinking modelcampus aestheticscreative managementschool management
出刊日期 201401
DOI 10.3966/168063602014010237006


創意經營的校園美學批判觀點,是教育行政領域的熱門焦點。不僅是教育當局,許多學校領導者也相當關注此一主題,並運用於實務中。事實上,「美學」包含品味、創造力、想像力與批判,這些與Kant的美學有所關聯。因此,作者將以Kant的美學探討這一主題。本文的研究目的分別探討創意經營的校園美學下,學校經營者的美學思考內容、學校領導者的創意經營態度取向,以及美學思考運用在校園創意經營的主要方法。依上述所言,本文分為三個主要段落:一、探討校園美學的概念與觀點;二、討論創意 經營的校園美學相關議題;三、探討學校領導者如何以美學思考運用於學校創意經營。最後,作者對教育行政單位、學校領導者提出建議,實現創意經營的校園美學理念。


It is one of the hottest topic in the field of educational administration from the critique perspective to review the creative management of campus aesthetics. Not only the educational authority, but also many a school leaders pay much attention to this topic and put it into practice. In fact, “aesthetics” includes taste, creativity, imagination and critique. All these are related to I. Kant’s aesthetics. Therefore, the authors will explore this topic from Kant´s aesthetics. And the purposes of this paper are to explore: (1) what is the aesthetics thinking that the school managers apply to make the creative management of campus aesthetics? (2) the attitude of school leaders towards the creative management? (3) how to make the aesthetics become the main means used to creatively manage the campus? According to the content mentioned as above, this paper is divided into 3 main sections: firstly, to explore the concept and idea of campus aesthetics; secondly, to discuss of the issue of creative management of campus aesthetics; and finally, to explore the aesthetics that school leaders apply to creatively manage school campus. Last but not the least, the authors provide some helpful suggestions to the educational administrators, and school leaders in order to help them to implement the ideas of creative management of campus aesthetics.
