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篇名 基因科技應用在生命倫理課程推動之啟示
卷期 237
並列篇名 The Discussion of Gene Technology and Its Implications for Bioethics Curriculum
作者 李珮瑜
頁次 112-129
關鍵字 生命倫理生命倫理課程生命教育基因科技bioethicsbioethics curriculumlife educationgene technology
出刊日期 201401
DOI 10.3966/168063602014010237009




In modern society, people were influences by technologies such as media, Internet, gene technology and so on. For example, gene technology was new technology in this era. People could solve some problems by means of that, and they would prevent illness and have prenatal examination. Moreover, they could improve plants and environments. However, gene technology may assault bioethics, the bioethics curriculum should be examined. In this article, the author explored the issue of gene technology and its implications for bioethics curriculum by means of literature analysis. Based in that, some conclusions are as follows: Firstly, teacher could renovate bioethics curriculum and advance the issue of gene technology. Secondly, teaching students about the conception of justice and good; moreover, instructor should combine the life aesthetics for students. Thirdly, instructor should carry out life ethics curriculum by means of critical thinking and case method. Fifthly, people could devise life ethics life ethics curriculum and assessment method through different kinds of specialists.
