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篇名 「歐洲學生聯盟」的發展與啟示
卷期 237
並列篇名 Development of European Students' Union and Its Implication in Higher Education
作者 洪福源
頁次 130-138
關鍵字 高等教育歐洲學生聯盟學生會higher educationEuropean Students’ Unionstudent union
出刊日期 201401
DOI 10.3966/168063602014010237010


2013年,「歐洲學生聯盟」(European Students’ Union)適逢成立30週年,目前由隸屬於39個歐洲國家的47個國家級學生會所組成,會員學生人數超過1,100萬人,是一個政治組織,以保障歐盟學生的權利、維護學生受教品質為宗旨,目的在促進歐洲高等教育學生在課程與學習、教育、社會、經濟與文化等各方面的權益。本文主要在探討「歐洲學生聯盟」的興起與發展,以及「歐洲學生聯盟」的會務運作與重要計畫。目前「歐洲學生聯盟」執行中的計畫主要有「探求學生的品質」、「經援學生的未來」及「共享增強與保障品質的實踐成果」,另有各項夥伴計畫。預期未來「歐洲學生聯盟」會對歐盟、歐盟高等教育,以及世界青年未來的發展扮演更積極的角色。「歐洲學生聯盟」的發展對我國高等教育也深具啟示作用。


European Students’ Union has set up for 30 years, is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at a European level. If we can learn from the European Students’ Union’s educational programmes and activities, we will have a new point of view in our higher education. Therefore, we provide the suggestions that joint more domestic and abroad student organizations to establish cooperative relations, construct educational quality assurance standards between Taiwan and China, integrating the higher education issues, university and corporates’ action, providing higher education opportunities for students to participating in communication to be used as a reference for the future development of higher education.
