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篇名 明治日本的漢詩文意識與殖民地統治—一個社會思想面的考察
卷期 31:3
並列篇名 Consciousness of Chinese Poetry and Japanese Imperialism in Meiji-Period Japan
作者 許時嘉
頁次 261-292
關鍵字 漢詩文明治日本言文一致日治時期和臭Chinese poetryMeiji Japangenbun’itchi Japanese colonial periodwashu MEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 201309


甲午戰爭前後,日本國內原本僅止於國學者之間歧視清朝中國風潮,普及至日本一般民眾。這種歧視風潮流行,伴隨著欧化主義與國粹主義兩種相互拉扯的思想脈動,以及教育敕語出現後日本國體意識的確立,「漢學」這門學問在日本國內受到來自於外部洋學者與國學者的挑戰,而被打上種種問號。同時間,受到外來思潮的影響,「漢學」這門學科的内部,亦出現自我懐疑、自我分化的傾向。受到政治上排斥中國風潮影響,這種對「漢學」的 懐疑,逐渐蔓延至漢字、漢文、漢詩的文字使用與創作上。本文將依序討論甲午戰爭前後漢詩文意識的更迭、甲午戰爭時期詩作背後的意識形態,以及漢詩人的創作意識。企圖思索日本自我意識的變化對日本國內漢詩文創作的影響,以及如何動搖日本漢詩人來臺的漢詩文創作態度。


This paper examines the conflicts of ideology that influenced Japanese poets during the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). During the war, at the height of Japanese colonialism, Japanese literature underwent a process of enforced differentiation from the ideology of traditional しhmese literacy. Though there were calls for the banning of kanji-kanbun (traditional Chinese characters), Japanese sinologists objected and emphasized the importance of Chinese characters in the understanding of Japanese traditional ethics, morality and history. Although Chinese characters survived Meiji nationalism, they were no longer used in their original linguistic context due to the adoption of colloquial-style writing. Eventually, this phenomenon caused a conflict for Japanese poets between their Chinese poetic consciousness and Japanese imperial ideology. They went to Taiwan with a mission to both demonstrate Japan’s superiority as a colonial ruler and revive Chinese literacy. However, in their attempts to prove that they had a high degree of Chinese literacy by composing Chinese poetry that showed their flawless understanding of Chinese in its original linguistic context, they could not help incorporating allusions to the canon of Chinese poetry, a practice which was in conflict with the ideology of Meiji nationalism.
