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篇名 論〈學記〉成德之教對大學生命教育的啟發
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 On The Teaching of Achieving Virtues of “Xue-Ji” and Its Enlightenment to Life Education of University
作者 謝君直
頁次 039-066
關鍵字 學記成德之教大學生命教育教化實踐Xue-Jiteaching of achieving virtueslife education of universitycivilizingpractice
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/207466012013120502002




My thesis continues the study of Confucian teaching of achieving virtues, analyzing Confucian theory of education according "Xue-Ji" of The Book of Rites, and illustrating the thinking of Xue-Ji has three aspect: the purpose of education is civilizing and comprehending truth, the methods of teaching is to cultivate learning mind, relationship of between teacher and student is teaching and learning help each other. Therefore, I interpret life education of teaching of achieving virtues could bring university back the practical aim of education, and it forms concrete curriculum of teaching practice, further, life education of teaching of achieving virtues awake moral relationship of teacher and student. I confirm that life education of university of teaching of achieving virtues solve the education problems of formalization and capitalization, and the teaching of achieving virtues could enhance quality of university.
