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篇名 大學生人格特質、自傷行為與自傷意念之相關研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship among College Student's Personality Trait, Self-harm Behavior and Suicidal Ideation
作者 王素闌
頁次 023-054
關鍵字 賴氏人格測驗路徑模式分析自傷(殺)行為自傷(殺)風險與意念大專學生Lai's Personality InventoryPath Model AnalyzeSelf-harm Behaviorsuicidal risk and ideationCollege Freshmen
出刊日期 201312


本研究目的在探究大學生人格特質、自傷(殺)意念與自傷(殺)行為之關聯,並檢驗賴氏人格測驗用於自傷(殺)行為之預測強度。研究對象為某大專院校99 年度新生(18~20 歲),有效樣本363 份,回收率61.11%。研究工具採用自編之身心適應篩檢自填問卷及賴氏人格測驗。資料分析使用SPSS(17 版)軟體,各變項描述統計及Pearson積差相關;路徑分析則運用Mplus 6 軟體,以獲得路徑係數並檢測路徑模型的適配度。研究結果發現:賴氏人格測驗之「情緒穩定」、「心理健康」、「社會適應」向度係能從自傷(殺)風險(V2)與自傷(殺)意念(V3)對自傷(殺)行為產生預測效果,符合研究之預期,尤其「社會適應」向度對於自傷(殺)行為之模型路徑分析,其資料與模型之適配度最佳。 研究結論:(一)賴氏人格測驗中之「情緒穩定」、「心理健康」、「社會適應」等三個向度可當作評估自傷或自殺的指標。(二)「個人自傷(殺)風險」最能預測自傷(殺)行為,可將學生中具有個人「自傷(殺)史」、「精神疾病」與「物質濫用」者,或其家人具有「自傷(殺)史」與「精神疾病」者,列為高度關懷學生,最優先加以輔導。 建議未來學校輔導工作,可將賴氏人格測驗施測結果列為輔導依據,若配合評量「自傷(殺)風險」、「自傷(殺)意念」與「自傷(殺)行為」等之篩檢量表,將有助於自我傷害之預防工作。


The main purpose of this research was to explore a path model on predicting the relation among college students' self-harm behavior, suicidal risk and ideation, and Lai's Personality Inventory (LPI). The LPI and the Physical and Mental Adaptation Questionnaire for the freshmen, designed by the researcher, were used as research tools. There were 363 valid samples collected for testing the fitness of the conceptual path model by Mplus 6. The findings were as follows: (1) The four dimension of LPI, introversion & extroversion, emotional stability, mental health, and social adjustment, were put into the path model, and each of them was fitted as expected, however, (2) the first three LPI's dimensions couldn't make the direct path effect to the self-harm behavior and could only make indirect path effect through the suicidal risk and ideation to predict self-harm behavior. (3) Only Social adjustment dimension played perfect effect on the model. (4) The suicidal risk variable, constructed by the items of self drug abused experience and mental illness as well as family members' mental illness and suicidal behavior, can play a good role as the predictor. (5)Suggestions and educational implications were discussed on the paper.
