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篇名 親密關係、情緒與生活滿意度——正向情緒的中介效果
卷期 15
並列篇名 Intimate Relationship, Emotions, and Life Satisfaction——The Mediation Effects of Positive Emotion
作者 蘇倫慧賴志超趙淑珠
頁次 055-086
關鍵字 親密關係情緒心理位移書寫拓展建構理論intimate relationshipemotionspsychological displacement of diary writingbroaden-and-build theory
出刊日期 201312


本研究的目的是以橫斷式調查法探討親密關係、情緒與生活滿意度的關聯。本研究的另一個目的是以前測與後測兩次的橫斷式調查法探討心理位移書寫法對親密關係、情緒與生活滿意度的介入效果。前後測問卷的時間間隔為三個月。研究參與者為國內中部地區三所大學共399 位有愛情對象的大學生。根據拓展建構理論,結構方程模式分析的結果發現正向情緒是親密關係和生活滿意度顯著的部份中介變項,而負向情緒無中介效果。此結果顯示親密關係與正向情緒的心理機制顯著地影響生活滿意度。此外,本研究也發現心理位移日誌書寫法提升親密關係的效果最大,此外日誌書寫也能增進正向情緒、生活滿意度和降低負向情緒。本研究對國內親密關係和正向情緒的研究有重要的意義。研究結果指出親密關係與正向情緒對生活滿意度的重要性。文末本研究者針對研究結果進行討論與建議。


The purpose of this research aims to explore the relationship among intimate relationship, emotions and life satisfaction in Taiwan using a cross-sectional survey method. In addition, the research examines the effects of psychological displacement of diary writing on intimate relationship, emotions, and life satisfaction. The survey was conducted for a period time of three months. Respondents included 399 students with love couples from 3 universities in mid Taiwan. Based on the predictions of the broaden-and-build theory, structural equation modeling analyses showed that positive emotions (but not negative emotions) partially mediated the relationship between intimate relationship and life satisfaction. The mechanism of intimate relationship and positive emotions strongly influence life satisfaction. Moreover, the diary writing also increased positive emotions and life satisfaction, and decreased negative emotions. The research concluded that diary writing had significant effects on students’ psychological adaptive indices. The researchers discussed the results. The researchers recommend the low cost, convenient and effective method of diary writing to help students on intimate relationship and affective education. The present research makes strong contributions to research on intimacy, on why positive emotions matter, and on how to foster higher levels of life satisfaction.
