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篇名 幼兒園及小一家長對特殊需求幼兒入國小準備能力觀點之探究
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 Exploring Kindergarten and First Grade Parents’ Perspectives on School Readiness
作者 陳宛渝朱思穎
頁次 233-248
關鍵字 入學準備能力幼小轉銜特殊需求幼兒家長Parentsschool readinesstransitionyoung children with special needs
出刊日期 201312


1. 在五大領域中,家長對語言、認知領域重要性排序較高,動作領域重要性相對最低。
2. 幼兒園大班家長於生活領域觀點之重要性高於國小家長;國小一年級家長在社會、語言領域觀點重要性高於幼兒園家長。
3. 不同家長個人背景包括教育程度、每月總收入、子女數等會影響家長對入學準備度的看法有顯著差異。


The purpose of this survey study was to explore parental perspectives regarding school readiness for young children with special needs in regular elementary classrooms. The validity and reliability of the survey questionnaire was established based on a review of literature as well as the results of a pilot test. Five domains of children’s ability in school readiness were examined: life adjustment, motor, social interaction, cognition, and language. Participants were recruited from parents of kindergarten and first-grade children with special needs in Taichung. The survey was sent to parents of 265 potential participants; 233 complete responses were received, yielding a 93% response rate. Among these participants, 116 were parents of kindergarteners, and 117 were parents of first-graders. Results were found as follows:
1. Among the five domains, parents ranked language and cognition as the most important domains, while motor was ranked as the least important domain.
2. The kindergarten parents had higher scores in the importance of life domains than the first-grade parents; the first-grade parents had higher scores on the social and language domains than the kindergarten parents.
3. Different backgrounds might have significant effects on the perspectives of school readiness, such as education levels, incomes, and total number of children.
