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篇名 從理念到落實--ICF在台灣的實踐經驗:以身心障礙者福利與服務需求評估訪談表為例
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 From Concept to Implementation- The Practical Experiences of Using ICF in Taiwan: Based on the Tool for the Needs Assessment of Welfare Services for Persons with Disabilities
作者 周宇翔李淑貞何季蓉張聿淳劉旻宜
頁次 249-261
關鍵字 ICF身心障礙政策身心障礙福利服務需求評估訪談表Disability PolicyICFTool for the Needs Assessment of Welfare Services for Persons with Disabilities
出刊日期 201312


國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統「International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health(以下簡稱ICF)」是世界衛生組織用於描述健康、功能與障礙的分類架構,其不僅立基於個人生活經驗及全人評估觀點,更重新檢視障礙的本質及強調環境因素的重要性,因此世界各國紛紛運用此架構於相關政策領域範疇之上。我國在「身心障礙者權益保障法」之架構下,運用ICF於身心障礙鑑定及需求評估等政策。「身心障礙者福利服務需求評估訪談表」(以下簡稱訪談表)包含活動及參與九大面向之72個ICF與ICF-CY編碼,用於對身障者進行其生活經驗資訊收集,瞭解其期待與福利服務需求,以作為主動連結提供所需之福利服務的基礎。 本文目的為以訪談表為例描述ICF在台實踐經驗,並探究訪談表是否達ICF描述「生活經驗」及「環境障礙因素呈現」之精神目的;在研究方法上,運用「焦點團體訪談法」,分別於2012年11月至2013年1月,針對各身心障礙團體代表以及縣市需求評估人員與專家學者辦理8場訪談。 研究結果顯示,為能更達描述障礙者生活經驗及更落實ICF強調之環境因素之目的,與會者認為訪談表部分訪談項目及「重要環境/個人因素」欄位有修正之必要,以完整描述身障者生活經驗、引導評估者完整呈現身障者所處之環境障礙,並擴大需求評估資訊運用範疇於社政體系外之政策領域。基於此,本文建議修正訪談表部分欄位,以完整描述身障者生活經驗及所處之障礙情境;未來針對身障者障礙情境資訊運用,建議進行跨部會結合,以改善身障者所處之社會環境障礙。


The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) approved by the WHO in 2001 is a theoretical framework for describing health, functioning and disability at both the individual and group levels. In Taiwan, under the framework of the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act, ICF is used in disability identification and needs assessment. The needs assessment tool was composed of 72 items, including 58 two-level and 12 three-level of ICF and ICF-CY codes for “activity and participation” and 2 specified codes by ICF-CY. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the needs assessment tool achieves the objectives of describing life experiences and environmental factors of persons with disabilities. Eight focus groups with disability group representatives, professionals and social workers were implemented from Nov 2012 to Jan 2013. The results of this study showed some items and the formats of the needs assessment tool could be modified in order to precisely describe the life experiences and environmental factors of persons with disabilities. Information obtained from needs assessment for persons with disabilities about environmental obstacles encountered from life experiences might be used more broadly beyond the social welfare services and the inter-ministerial cooperation should be initiated.
