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篇名 從生態系統觀點探究影響早期療育專業團隊協同合作之因素
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 Factors that Influenced the Collaboration of the Professional Team for Early Interventions: From the Perspective of Ecological Systems
作者 張秀玉
頁次 262-275
關鍵字 生態系統觀點早期療育協同合作專業團隊Collaborationearly interventionecological systemsprofessional team
出刊日期 201312




This study aims at exploring the factors that influenced the collaboration of the professional team for early interventions. The researcher used the qualitative research methods to collect the data. Eight professionals from each field of medical rehabilitation, special education, and social work participated in the individual in-depth interviews. Through the perspective of ecological systems, the researcher analyzed the collected data and presents factors that influence the collaboration of professional team for early interventions. Furthermore, suggestions for enhancing the collaboration of the professional team for early interventions are provided.
