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篇名 東南亞出國旅客的腸道傳染病知識與健康信念模式對預防行為之影響
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Knowledge of Intestinal Infection Disease of Outbound Travelers to South-Asian Countries and the Effect of Health Belief Model on Prevention Behavior
作者 游亞純湯幸芬
頁次 037-058
關鍵字 腸道傳染病知識預防行為健康信念模式intestinal infection diseaseprevention behaviorhealth belief model
出刊日期 201312




According to the statistics by Tourism Bureau, the number of outbound tourists increased 6.84% in 2012 than it in 2011. With the obvious growth came subsequent problems; the main disease is intestinal infection. Therefore, the purpose statement is to research the knowledge of intestinal infection disease of outbound travelers to south-Asian countries and the effect of health belief model faith pattern on prevention behavior. We acquire the information by constructional standardized self-filled surveys. At Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, we surveyed the outbound travelers (over the age of eighteen) travelling to south-Asian countries, 447 effective returns and the ratio up to 96%. Descriptive statistics, Independent samples T test, One way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis are selected in the study. The study results showed that outbound tourists did not acquire sufficient information about the destined country in prevention behavior aspect; although authorities-concerned provide significant information on the website, the service use rate is quite low. The authorities-concerned should do more about health education and advocacy. Among the “Prevention behaviors”, “I always wash hands before meals and after using toilets” has the highest average score as 4.55; meanwhile, “Before going abroad, I have dialed 1922 to acquire my destination information from the Disease Control Bureau” has the lowest score as 1.67. The average of the correct ratio on intestinal infection disease is 72.9%; “The most common complications of intestinal infection disease are stomach upsets and diarrheas” has the highest correct ratio; meanwhile, “The most common source of intestinal infection disease is the germ.” has the lower correct ratio. The health belief model faith stay mostly positive. Tourists having been abroad over four times have double prevention behaviors on “transmission route prevention” than those, having abroad twice only. The analysis results of the knowledge of intestinal infection disease over the prevention behavior mainly indicate that the main impact factors of prevention behaviors are transmission route, prevention method and syndromes. In the multiple regression analysis, the positive main impact factors are the knowledge of intestinal infection disease, self awareness of perceived susceptibility and action clues. Thus, the higher the knowledge and the health belief model faith of tourists are; the better, the prevention behaviors.
We hope the study can be a helpful reference for tourism companies or authorities concerned in health education or advocacy. Therefore, the tourists to south-Asian countries can have more proper prevention behaviors to intestinal infection diseases; in the end, a strong self-awareness will be enhanced.
