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篇名 Effective Doses Comparison of 64-Multislice CT and 256-Multislice CT Scanner with Different Parameters in Abdominal Examinations
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 64 切和256 切電腦斷層攝影在腹部檢查中有效劑量之影響
作者 洪瑞助聶伊辛倪偉中呂坤木
頁次 739-746
關鍵字 多切面電腦斷層有效劑量熱發光劑量計空間解析度Multi-slice computed tomographyEffective dosesThermoluminescent dosimeter Spatial resolution
出刊日期 201312


本研究使用Philips Brilliance之64-MSCT與256-MSCT在進行患者腹部掃瞄時,改變CT的操作參數,包括改變pitch、tube voltage (kV)與effective mAs等參數,在不影響診斷要求的解析度條件下,評估受檢者的有效劑量 (effective doses。本研究結果之臨床檢查腹部有效劑量,64-MSCT與256-MSC掃描分別為19.56 mSv與25.2 mSv, 256-MSCT 比 64-MSCT 高 22 %。改變 pitch、effective mAs及 tube voltage (kV),256-MSCT 機器的有效劑量均大於64-MSCT者。利用ACR CT accreditation phantom分析不同掃描條件的影像空間解析度可獲得5 lp/cm以上的解析力。


This study to compare the effect of Philips Brilliance’s 64-MSCT and 256-MSCT on effective doses when changing the operating parameters in the scan examination of patients’ abdomen, including the changes in pitch, tube voltage (kV) and effective mAs and to discuss the possibility of using other probable operating conditions to reduce patients’ effective doses, in addition to the routine protocol examination of clinical CT. The results show, in general, when we change the pitch, effective mAs and tube voltage (kV), the effective doses of 256-MSCT exceed those of 64-MSCT. Finally, the ACR CT accreditation phantom is employed to evaluate the image spatial resolution, in order to achieve results over 5 lp / cm analytical capability that meets diagnostic needs.
