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篇名 臺灣輻射加工食品劑量標準之探討
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 The Study of Standard Dose for Irradiated Processing Food
作者 賴律翰盧佳君何任展謝禈龍林招膨
頁次 747-754
關鍵字 輻照食品技術游離輻射RaduraIrradiated foodIonizing RadiationRadura
出刊日期 201312


輻照食品技術係利用游離輻射照射食品,以達到殺菌、滅蟲、保鮮、抑制發芽、延緩成熟等作用。國際糧農 組織(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO)、世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO) 及國際原子能總署(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA)輻射食品衛生安全聯合專家委員會已在1980年認定,吸收劑量於10 kGy以内輻照之食品,其食品不具放射性、有毒物質、營養大量流失,皆可安心食用。我國根據衛署食字第88057077號公告,每種食品都有不同輻射劑量標準,食品照射劑量在0.15 ~ 30 kGy之間。
本研究依據我國食品衛生管理法、游離輻射防護法、美國食品與藥物管理局(The Food and Drug Administration, FDA)及美國農業部(The US Department of Agriculture, USDA)相關報告書,探討臺灣食品輻射加工劑量標準,其研究概述輻照食品技術之基本原理、應用範圍以及相關研究,讓國人了解食品輻射加工技術,本研究結果亦可提供給相關產業、學術單位作一參考。


Irradiated food use the ionization radiation to irradiate food for sterilization, insecticides, refresh, inhibition of germination, postponing mature and so on. In 1980, joint expert committee on food of FAO, WHO and IAEA have ensured that the absorbed dose of food less than 10 kGy does not have radiation, toxicant, denutrition which is safe to eat. According to health bureau permit No. 88057077, every food has different standard dose, the irradiated dose is between 0.15 and 30 kGy.
This study is based on the reports of Act Governing Food Sanitation, Ionizing Radiation Protection Act, FDA, USDA, and discuss the standard dose for irradiated food in Taiwan. The article includes principle, application, related research of irradiated food technique, which also can be as reference for related industries or academic institutions.
