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篇名 社會建構論、批判實在論與行動者網絡理論觀點下的身體與社會:以肥胖議題為例
卷期 53
並列篇名 Theoretical Perspectives of Social Constructionism,Critical Realism and Actor-Network Theory on Body and Society: A Case Study of Fatness/Obesity
作者 鄭斐文
頁次 143-182
關鍵字 肥胖/肥胖症社會建構論批判實在論行動者網絡理論身體/自然與社會Fatness/ObesitySocial ConstructionismCritical RealismActor-Network Theory Body/Nature Versus SocietyMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/101122192013120053004




By exploring the sociological issue of fatness/obesity, the author compares three different approaches—social constructionism, critical realism, and actor-network theory (ANT)—to analyze relationships and ontological differences between body and society. Crossley’s (2004) article, “Fat Is a Sociological Issue,” is analyzed in terms of the concept of energy ratios and ‘obesity as a social fact.’ It is argued that critical realism locates obese bodies and energy ratios as biological facts existing outside of socio-cultural contexts. In contrast, social constructionists approach obesity as a medical issue, an approach that is criticized as an example of a discourse replacing the actor. However, the realists’ approach is also criticized as ignoring the construction of scientific knowledge. Based on the ANT ontology, I argue that the concept of energy ratio should be reexamined in terms of knowledge production and heterogeneous networks. I conclude that analyses involving the three approaches provide greater space for heterogeneous knowledge and socio-political interventions.
