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篇名 從理雅各到賈福相:論《詩經》英譯之重譯現象
卷期 16
並列篇名 From James Legge to Fu-Shiang Chia: On the Re-translations of the Shi Jing
作者 鄭惠雯
頁次 041-059
關鍵字 《詩經》英譯重譯延異可重複性English translations of the Shi Jingre-translationdijferanceiterability
出刊日期 201311


《詩經》英譯版本之多、形式之繁乃是事實,尤其當《詩經》英譯大家如理雅各(James Legge)、韋利(Arthur Waley)、高本漢(Bernhard Karlgren)以及龐德(Ezra Pound)之 版本已是西方人眼中的「經典」之時,何以海峽兩岸至今仍有新譯本問世?《詩經》 英譯歷經十九世紀西方殖民時代、二十世紀現代主義時代、二^"一世紀全球化時代,為討論重譯現象的寶貴材料。然而關於「重譯」(re-translation)的討論向來局限於補足功能,認為原文永恆不受時空所囿,譯文則須隨時代、語言、讀者需求等改變與時俱進,不同版本之譯文彼此互相競爭且補足前譯之不足。本文企圖勾勒《詩經》的重譯輪廓,並在此基礎之上嘗試以法國學者德希達(Jacques Derrida)提出之「可重複性」(iterability)以及「延異」(diffdrancey概念,以及當代學者的相關討論進一步探討重譯 現象,以此回應並修正此種假設。全文分為「壹、前言:談重譯現象」、「貳、《詩經》的域外英譯與中西詮釋傳統的對話」、「参、全球化時代的《詩經》英譯與新舊譯本的互文性」、「肆、『可重複性』作為翻譯的潛勢」、「伍、延異:翻譯即歷史」、「陸、結 論」。經由本文所論,可闡明各英譯版本可謂德希達所言被重複的潛勢之具體化,舊譯與新譯之間的延續與差異書寫著中國翻譯史上的重要篇章,亦說明翻譯史為翻譯實踐不可或缺的工具。


The aim of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of re-translation of the Chinese classic Shi Jing. It is a fact known that there have been various versions of Shi Jing translation in English. In particular, the translations done by James Legge, Arthur Waley, Bernhard Karlgren and Ezra Pound have been canonized in the West. However, it seems that their canonization does not stop other new translations from emerging. In the past decade, there have been new translations published in China and Taiwan. The introduction of Shi Jing into the West has long began in the 19th century, and reached its peak in the 20th century and continued way into this age of globalization. It serves as a fertile ground for the theorization of the phenomenon of re-translation. Yet so far the related discussion has been limited to the function of supplement. The original is seen as something eternal, whereas translation is to be updated from time to time. Thus, every new translation is at once the competition and supplement to previous translations. The main purpose of this essay is to review the history of the English re-translations of the Shi Jing. Also Jacques Derrida’s concepts of dijferance and iterability are incorporated in the discussion so as to respond to the conventional understanding of the phenomenon of re-translation. This study is divided into the following sections: 1) Introduction: On the Phenomenon of Re-translation, 2) English Translations of the Shi Jing in the West and the Dialogue between Chinese Classic Hermeneutics and Western Humanities Traditions, 3) New Translations in the Age of Globalization and the Intertextuality between Old and New Translations, 4) Iterability as the Potentiality of Re-translation, 5) Dijj
