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篇名 主管領導風格與理財專員人格特質對工作績效影響之探討--以國內某財富管理銀行為例
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Effects of Leadership Style of the Supervisors Interacting with Personality Traits of Financial Advisor on the Job Performance of the Latter--Evidence from a Local Financial Management Bank
作者 林翠蓉張力侯啟娉葉文瑞
頁次 37-62
關鍵字 領導風格人格特質工作績效理財專員Leadership stylePersonality traitsJob performanceFinancial advisor
出刊日期 201309




This study investigates the effects of leadership style of the supervisors and personality traits of financial advisor on the job performance of the latter. This research adopts semi-structured interviews with relevant personal from a local financial management bank to obtain data. We then test these hypotheses set out previously from this research. The empirical results show that different leadership style and personality traits have statistically significant impact on the job performance of financial advisor. Furthermore, when a supervisor with transformational leadership team up with a subordinate with agreeableness has statistically significant positive impact on the job performance of financial advisor, but a subordinate is of stabile emotion, then the team would have little effect on job performance of financial advisor. Our results indicate that the compatibility between the leadership style of supervisors and personality traits of financial advisor has important effect on job performance of financial management team.
