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篇名 個體差異對消費者我族主義之影響
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Effects of Individual Differences on Consumer Ethnocentrism
作者 熊婉君吳孟玲何駿偉
頁次 63-83
關鍵字 個人資本世界主義消費者我族主義Individual capitalWorldmindednessConsumer ethnocentrism
出刊日期 201309




In today’s global economy, understanding the antecedents of consumer ethnocentrism will be important to increase knowledge about consumer preferences for domestic products. Therefore, we examined the effects of individual capital, worldmindedness, residential region, and gender on consumer ethnocentrism. Data collected from 858 respondents and analyzed by multiple regressions. Our results indicated that the influences of social capital, cultural capital, financial capital, and worldmindedness on consumer ethnocentrism are negative. In addition, consumer ethnocentrism is significantly related to residential region and gender. Implications of the current study and directions for future research are discussed.
