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篇名 大專校院學生核心能力發展之探析
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Analysis of College Student's Core Competences
作者 楊玉惠
頁次 1-36
關鍵字 共通職能核心能力Common competencesCore competences
出刊日期 201309


教育在於培育學生的格局與能力,本研究從國內外文獻歸納大專校院學生核心能力的內涵趨勢,並透過焦點座談彙整跨領域產業專家意見,對職場1~ 3年工作者職場所需具備之核心能力之觀點,而後進行不同就業途徑之在職人士問卷調查,進行信效度驗證及因素結構分析,研究得出大專校院學生所需共通職能,分別為溝通表達、持續學習、人際互動、團隊合作、問題解決、創新、工作責任及紀律、資訊科技應用,及52題題目向度,題項常用性的組內一致性(rwg)介於.861至.922,重要性的組內一致性(rwg)介於.858至.907,顯示題目評估的一致性相當高,共識度理想,並結合教育目標分類,作為學習者未來核心能力養成及學校端教學之作法建議。


The purpose of education is aimed to cultivate student’s ability and manner; both are importance for the competence formulation. The study starts from the literature reviewing to analyze the mega trends in the transforming contents regarding college student’s core competences. And then this study collects the opinions of different industrial professionals the through panels (workshops), which focus on the core working competences being needed for new recruits. Following the outcome of panel discussion, we try to certificate the credibility and reliability of the assumed competences by surveying these on-board professionals in different job tracks. By the certification and the analysis of constructive issues, this study finds that, firstly, the needed common competences for college students could be classified into eight dimensions: communication and expression, continuing learning, interpersonal relationship、team-working cooperation、problem solving, innovation、responsibility and discipline for work、IT application. Secondly, the figures of rwg (within-group inter-rater reliability) of these fifty two questions for surveying the eight common competences are quite high; the figure is between 0.861 to 0.922 for the dimension and usability, and 0.861 to 0.922 for the importance. Therefore, this study concludes that these eight common competences, being with high degree of consensus and being in accordance within education goals, should be guiding suggestion for students in evaluating the abilities development and for teachers in arranging the lecturing contents and delivery methods.
