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篇名 Eye Pain Relief in the Emergency Department
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 眼睛急診疼痛治療
作者 毛宏鑫許哲偉蕭合莆岑在增
頁次 031-044
關鍵字 eye painemergency眼睛疼痛急診
出刊日期 201203


1993 年,美國國立醫院門診醫療照護調查估計每年有兩百三十二萬人因為眼疾而到急診部求診,49% 的病人都因為外傷而來,其中只有3% 需要住院治療。眼睛疼痛是病人馬上到急診部請求治療最常見之症狀,病人疼痛的程度往往跟病人到院的時間有關。眼睛的疼痛可能是由於外傷、感染或發炎所引起的,疼痛的處理包括使用人工淚液、冰敷、抗組織胺、止痛藥和移除眼睛異物等,有些人點用抗生素眼藥水效果也不錯。


In 1993, the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) estimated that there were about 2.32 million visits to the emergency department because of ocular diseases in the US, 49% of which were for injuries, and only 3% required hospitalization. Eye pain is an important symptom of patients who visit casualty and seek immediate medical treatment. It is not surprising that the time when patients arrive at the ophthalmic emergency center is dependent on the degree of pain they are experiencing. The pain may be caused by injury, infection, or inflammation. Treatment for eye pain may include artificial tears, cold compresses, antihistamines, pain medications, and foreign body removal from the eye. Some may benefit from antibiotic eye drops. Another goal of sedation and analgesia in the emergency department is to relieve the anxiety, pain, and blepharospasm which is helpful when thoroughly examining the eye. It is imperative that the eye is not touched or manipulated if the eye is tightly closed. It is dangerous to force the eyelid apart with penetrating ocular injuries. Pain is not a good indicator of the severity of the injury or visual outcomes. However, uncontrolled pain can lead to nausea, vomiting, crying, and generalized restlessness which may adversely affect the body’s endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, neurologic, and musculoskeletal systems. Therefore, treating pain is an important priority of the physician.
