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篇名 Juvenile Stensen’s Duct Obstruction Managed with a CIS Silicone Tube Stent
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 病例報告:以CIS 矽膠管重建治療早發性腮腺管Stensen’s Duct 阻塞
作者 洪士涵林建佑洪敬賢
頁次 045-049
關鍵字 Stensen’s ductobstructionsialoadenitisStensen’s duct阻塞唾腺炎
出刊日期 201203


Stensen´s duct 阻塞並非常見的唾液腺阻塞疾病,目前仍有許多可能因素會導致阻塞發生。然而,青少年出現Stensen´s duct 阻塞則更為罕見,可能引起的原因包括先天性的結構異常、外傷或急性感染。本案例為一年輕女性突發性腮腺腫大及疼痛,該病患無任何可能之先天性疾患及系統性疾病。利用手術清除膿瘍後,我們放置CIS silicone tube 重建Stensen´s duct,其結果良好故特此報告。


Stensen’s duct obstruction is relatively uncommon. Many etiologies can lead to this problem. Nevertheless, juvenile Stensen’s duct obstructions are even more rarely seen and often originate from congenital anomalies, trauma, and acute infections. The present study reports a 14-yearold female with sudden onset of unilateral parotid swelling and pain. No significant predisposing factors were noted. After debridement of the abscess, a silicone tube stent was placed with a satisfactory outcome.
