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篇名 Neonatal Echoencephalographic Screening
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 新生兒腦部超音波篩檢
作者 林愛婷洪焜隆廖宏才
頁次 53-58
關鍵字 腦部超音波新生兒篩檢正常變異EchoencephalographyNewborn screenNormal variation
出刊日期 201106


背景:腦部超音波檢查是一項無侵入性,很安全且方便的檢查。隨著對新生兒的高度要求,我們收集了自1997年參與自費做超音波的寶寶的腦部超音波。方式:此研究回溯性收集自1997年7月到2009年7月自費做超音波的新生兒的腦部超音波。總計15,571個新生兒被納入此研究。我們的超音波為出生約2 到3 天大的新生兒從前門做檢查,同時只有一位專業的技術人員操作。結果:在15,571個新生兒中,10,828個新生兒(69.5%)是正常的。透過超音波可見到許多異常和變異性,其中包括:室管下囊腫(3919, 25.2%),脈絡叢囊腫(1913, 12.3%)基底核血管病變(399, 2.6%)和少數顱內出血、動靜脈血管異常出血等。結論:腦部超音波檢查的無侵入性和安全應該更加被重視,尤其是常常在新生兒腦部的問題臨床表現不明顯。為了可提早做出正確的診斷和治療,新生兒腦部超音波檢查是必要的。


Background and Purpose: Cranial ultrasonography (US) is a non-invasive and convenient tool for identifying neonatal brain lesions. In response to the demand for newborn baby health examinations, we have performed cranial US screening on a voluntary and selfpaid basis since July 1997. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed brain sonograms conducted on neonates from July 1997 to July 2009 in a single medical center. In total, 15,571 consecutive newborn babies received cranial US through the anterior fontanelle on the second or third day after delivery. A single sonographer performed all examinations with the standard sonogram machine, Acuson computed sonography 128XP/100. Results: Among 15,571 babies, 10,828 babies (69.5%) were found to have no specific brain lesions. There were different kinds of findings, including cystic and vascular changes. Signifi cant findings were subependymal cysts (3919 cases,25.2%), choroids plexus cysts (1913 cases, 12.3%), lenticulostriate vasculopathy (399 cases, 2.6%), and a few complicated cases such as epidural hemorrhage, arteriovenous malformation with rupture, communicating and non-communicating hydrocephalus, corpus callosum cysts, and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Conclusions: Although most of the findings were innocuous, newborn cranial sonographic screening enables pediatricians to detect abnormal brain lesions early and accurately in order to provide early intervention with the hope for a better future life quality.
