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篇名 北市二家教學醫院護理人員之職場危害暴露與防護行為
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 The Occupational Exposures and Protective Behaviors of Nurses of Two Teaching Hospitals in Taipei Area
作者 陳富莉許媛婷唐進勝陳韻柔劉曦宸林瑜雯陳志郎
頁次 89-99
關鍵字 護理人員職業暴露安全行為防護行為質性研究NursesOccupational hazard exposureSafety practicesProtective behaviors
出刊日期 201106




Background and Purpose: This study aimed to explore the scenarios the health hazards and the nurses’ safety practices to limit their potential exposures. Methods: Twenty-six nurses from a district general hospital and a teaching hospital in Taipei voluntarily participated in this study. Among the participants, nine were nurse leaders and 17 were clinical nurses. Twelve indepth interviews and four focus group interviews were conducted. Results: The participated n urses were able to identify the potential hazards such as needlesticks and sharp injuries, infection diseases, antineoplastic drugs, ionizing radiation and ergonomic issues. Personal and the colleague inappropriate working behaviors caused the needlestick injuries. Insufficient knowledge of chemical hazard resulted in being incapable of performing safety practices. Musculoskeletal disorders were raised by heavy workload and tight working schedule. Forhigh-risk infectious agents and ionizing radiation, nurses would enhance their safety practices including the willingness of wearing personal protective equipments. Conclusions: Neither school education nor on-site occupational training program provided sufficient knowledge of chemical hazards for nurses. The safety and health knowledge should be implanted in both school education and on-site training program to enhance the hazard perception and safety behaviors, as well as the workplace safety climate.
