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篇名 一位肝癌患者接受手術之護理經驗--概念構圖應用
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 A Nursing Experience of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient over the Pre and Post Operative Period--Concept Map Application
作者 吳卉蕎周玉英郭涵元戴羽孝方又圓
頁次 113-123
關鍵字 肝癌肝切除護理概念構圖Hepatocellular carcinomaHepatectomy nursingConcept map
出刊日期 201106




Around 75% of liver cancer patients in the world are living in the Asian areas. Liver cancer ranks as the fifth cancer globally, and is the first cause of death by cancer in Taiwan. The present article describes our nursing experiences of a 44-year male patient suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma and subjected to hepatectomy, covering the period of July 5-13, 2010. Data were collected via case observation and interview while the nurses involved collaboratively in the process of treatment. The concept map, composed of three stages of nursing including pre-operative stage, post-operative acute stage as well as the subsequent disease adaptation, indentifi ed the following patient problems: (1) anxiety, (2) ineffective health maintenance, (3) impaired physical mobility, (4) pain, (5) effective therapeutic regimen, and (6) health-seeking behavior. After having reviewed relevant literature, we discussed with the patient and family to work out the plan for nursing intervention, to help them understand the disease and comply with the treatment protocol. This study can also improve nurses’ experiences and skills in nursing liver cancer patients.
