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篇名 一位末期腎病患者接受半髖關節成形術之護理經驗
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 An Experience Nursing an End-stage Renal Disease Patient with Hemodialysis Receiving Hip Hemi-arthroplasty
作者 周玉英黃貴薰
頁次 43-51
關鍵字 血液透析半髖關節成形術骨質疏鬆HemodialysisHemi-arthroplastyOsteoporosis
出刊日期 201103


本報告是在探討一位七十五歲末期腎病女性接受半髖關節成形術後面臨之問題。老年血液透析患者因骨質疏鬆是骨折之高危險群,適當運動、營養以及跌倒預防為照護與衛教之要項。護理期間自96.03.23 至03.31。筆者運用直接照護、觀察與會談方式收集資料,發現個案主要護理問題有身體活動功能障礙、高危險性跌倒、自我照顧能力缺失、便秘、知識不足/術後營養等問題,提供生理與心理層面之照護措施,包括維持身體活動功能、改善肌肉強度、預防跌倒、處理長期便秘困擾、學習食物置備方法以維持足夠營養,以及情緒壓力之舒緩,並讓主要照顧者於住院期間即參與照護活動,及早發現問題並導正,協助個案術後恢復,如期出院。期待其出院後能繼續復健及自我照顧。


The elderly patient with hemodialysis often suffered from osteoporosis and became high risk group of fracture. The physical exercise, good nutrition and falling down prevention are important parts of nursing care. The purpose of this report is to describe a nursing experience in a 75years-old female with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis underwent hip hemiarthroplasty. The nursing process method was used to assist the patient during March 23 to 31, 2007. The data was collected through direct care, observation and interview. We found that the patient had suffered from fi ve main health problems, such as physical mobility impaired, risk for falling down, self care defi cit, constipation and knowledge defi cit/nutrition, respectively. Because of these health problems, we provided physiological and psychological nursing care to the patient, such as keeping body mobility, improving muscle strength for walking and doing activities of daily living, preventing falling down, promoting bowel movement, learning how to prepare daily food for maintaining adequate intake and nutrition, and relieving emotional distress. We also invited the care-giver participating in patient care to discover problems and improve it as soon as possible in order to support the recovery of post operation. Therefore, expecting patient to be able to continue the rehabilitation and promote her self care ability after discharge.
