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篇名 應用電腦提醒拔除導尿管機制對導尿管使用及尿路感染之影響
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Using a Computer Reminder to Reduce Usage of Urinary Catheterization and Urinary Tract Infections
作者 黃萬翠王復德陳瑛瑛孫淑美
頁次 070-077
關鍵字 感染尿路感染電腦提醒機制感染管制infectionsurinary tract infectioncomputer reminderinfection control
出刊日期 201403


背 景:尿路感染是最常見的醫療照護相關感染部位之一,80%的醫療照護相關尿路感染與留置導尿管有關,最好的預防策略就是避免不適當使用導尿管及移除不必要之導尿管。
目 的:採用「電腦提醒機制」,評值介入前後之導尿管相關尿路感染、導尿管留置天數及使用比例的差異。
方 法:採回溯性追踪研究法,某醫學中心自2012年1月至6月所有留置導尿管超過24小時的病人為研究對象,4月19日起醫護人員於電腦終端機點選有導尿管留置病人時,自動出現提醒標語畫面,提醒導尿管留置天數及評估早日拔除導尿管。
結 果:留置導尿管病人共8,520人次,導尿管使用比例由介入前18.05%顯著下降至16.23%(p < .001);而導尿管留置天數由8.68略降至8.10(p = .206),導尿管相關尿路感染則由3.32‰下降至2.62‰(p = .112),但無統計上之顯著差異。
結 論:「電腦提醒機制」提供醫療人員及早執行導尿管拔除評估,建議可利用資訊系統的提醒措施來降低導尿管使用比例。


Background: The urinary tract is the most common site of healthcare‐associated infections, and 80% of urinary tract infections are attributable to urinary catheterization. Avoiding inappropriate catheter use and removing unnecessary catheters are the best preventive strategies for this type of infection.
Purpose: This study evaluates the effect of using a computer‐based reminder system on the rate of catheterassociated urinary tract infections, the number of catheterization days, and the use of urinary catheters.
Methods: A retrospective study was performed in a medical center that instituted a computer‐based reminder system on April 19th, 2012. All patients fitted with indwelling urinary catheters for more than 24 hours were recruited as participants during the period January to June 2012. The system activates when the catheterization patient’s name is selected. Reminders that pop up automatically provide current data on number of
catheterization days and assess the potential for early catheter removal.
Results: A total of 8520 patients were recruited. The utilization rate of indwelling urinary catheters decreased significantly from 18.05% before the intervention to 16.23% afterward (p < .001); the duration of atheterization
shortened from 8.68 days to 8.10 days (p = .206); and the rate of catheter‐associated urinary tract infections decreased from 3.32‰ to 2.62‰ (p = .112), there’s no statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: The computer reminder system helps physicians and nurses keep accurate track of indwelling catheters and remove them as soon as possible. The results of this study suggest that this system is an effective approach to reducing the duration of indwelling urinary catheter use for patients.
