
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 家庭企業與世代變遷:以珠三角地區製造業台商為例
卷期 53:3
並列篇名 Family Firms and Generational Change: Taiwanese Manufacturing Businesses in the Pearl River Delta
作者 鄧建邦魏明如
頁次 025-051
關鍵字 族群企業台商世代家庭企業ethnic enterpriseTaiwanese businessmengenerationfamily firmsTSSCI
出刊日期 201009


台灣因應在80 年代末期的資本主義轉型,開始有大量台商西進前往中國大陸投資,不過,當初遷移珠三角地區的勞力密集型產業,現在又再度面臨企業轉型問題。與此同時,早期將企業遷移珠三角地區的台商,當初多介於30-50 歲青壯年紀,經過近20 年後,目前也不再屬壯年階段,面對企業交棒、傳承的問題。本研究目的即在於凸顯世代議題,針對台灣的企業如何在跨界空間中經歷不同世代,對其持續生存的策略與方式進行較深入的瞭解。主要研究問題為:什麼因素是影響珠三角地區傳統產業年輕的第二世代台商,在面對企業結構轉型壓力下,仍願意投入家族企業?又他們在跨界空間中,如何運用資源,以維繫企業在跨界空間中持續發展?結果指出,第一、台商第二代跨界進入珠三角地區工作,除個人職涯考量外,更重要地是回應第一代台商對家庭企業延續的期待。第二、在珠三角地區傳統製造業家族二代接班,已成為廣布各個行業,且為具有組織性的,呈現為一個世代的現象。第三、傳統企業在遷移地的世代延續,不僅取決於台商二代個人的階級資源特質而已,更是仰賴族群性資源的集體運用。尤其,經由「台青會」扮演制度性力量媒介的族群網絡與資源,是跨界企業第二代在珠三角地區可以延續企業生存與發展的關鍵。


Many Taiwanese manufacturing businesses faced developmental problems during the 1980s in Taiwan and began to move their investments to Southern China, especially in the Pearl River Delta area. This new pattern of investment is characterized by investors who are both small-and mediumsized manufacturers and family firms. However, after twenty years of development, these family businesses are now facing the problem of transformation again, particularly in terms of succession. This article aims to analyze generational change of Taiwanese manufacturing firms in the Pearl River Delta area. Results show that (1) the younger Taiwanese generation tends to seek work in the Pearl River Delta not only for individual career reasons, but most importantly, as a positive response to founder's expectation of succession in the family business; (2) the succession of Taiwanese manufacturing firms happens to diverse industries in the Pearl River Delta and the successors have organized themselves in groups, such as Taiwanese youth associations – the
succession of Taiwanese manufacturing firms in the Pearl River Delta has
become a generational phenomenon; (3) the founder’s children develop
family firms in the Pearl River Delta using both class and ethnic resources –successful transition from generation to generation of Taiwanese family firms in Southern China relies not only exclusively on individual achievement of the successors, but also deeply on their ethnic solidarity.
