
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 有限活化的中共菁英循環:黨政領導菁英組成的跨時考察
卷期 53:4
並列篇名 Limited Renewal within CCP’s Elite Circulation: A Trend Analysis on Political Elite Formation
作者 黃信豪
頁次 001-033
關鍵字 中共政治菁英菁英活化政權演變量化分析Chinapolitical eliteelite renewalregime evolutionquantitative analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201012




This paper addresses the changes and continuities of political elite
configuration in China’s reform era based on a dataset for the top Chinese
leaders who worked on province or ministry level positions (and above)
within the party or the government from 1978 to 2008. By applying a series
of trend analyses and quantitative modeling, this paper finds that even though a large number of technocrats were recruited for their professional
background in response to the demand for economic modernization, the CCP
was still selecting the party elites by way of screening elites’ political
credentials. Specifically, the findings show that (1) the government recruited technocrats earlier than the party did; (2) there has been a lasting gap in individual political credentials between the party elites and the government elites; (3) the CCP has constructed a systematic mode for elite selection and elite cultivation by means of party-position appointment. These patterns highlight the importance of political credentials, but can not be systematically explained by the previous literature, which was mostly derived from the social mobility analysis. Accordingly, the author provides a preliminary explanation of “limited renewal” for the empirical findings, and discusses its implications on the regime evolution and political future in China.
