
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中國大陸公有企業的民營化:中央與地方關係的分析途徑
卷期 53:4
並列篇名 Privatization of Chinese SOEs — A Perspective on Central-local Relations
作者 曹海濤葉日崧
頁次 105-139
關鍵字 地方政府國有企業民營化分稅制金融改革意識形態local governmentprivatizationtax sharing systembanking reformTSSCI
出刊日期 201012




The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the cause of privatization of
China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in the late 1990s in terms of the
change between central and local government relations. We conclude that the
two central policies – tax sharing reform and banking reform – that change
the incentives between central authority and local governments, and this
change exerts an important effect upon the cost-benefit structure of local
governments. Under the circumstance, the value of SOEs on local governments is decremented. This depreciation is due to the immensely declining financial supply of SOEs to local governments, increasingly expensive upholding cost of local governments to SOEs, and the exorbitant social burdens of inefficient SOEs on local public finance. Therefore, privatization of SOEs becomes a rational strategy among local governments’
