
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中國燃料電池研發及其環境溝通
卷期 54:3
並列篇名 China’s Fuel Cell R&D and its Environmental Communication
作者 陳世榮李河清
頁次 033-069
關鍵字 中國燃料電池環境溝通語意網絡三螺旋指標Chinafuel cellenvironmental communicationsemantic networkTriple Helix IndexTSSCI
出刊日期 201109




In recent years, China has become active in addressing and responding
to climate change. In particular, green energy technology is regarded as a
crucial strategy to ease the tension between economic development and
environmental protection. Among others, fuel cell research and development
have been overly highlighted in order to construct China’s green image. Does technological initiative foster environmental meaning in public sphere? This paper aims to clarify the issue as well as environmental communication surrounding China’s fuel cell research and development by way of semantic network analysis and quantitative text analysis on Xinhuanet news documents. Results of this study find that the environmental implication of fuel cell is diluted along with the process of the technological development. At the aggregate level, it is the market and economic issues that construct the core frames of the media communication. Furthermore, the environmental consensus between the industrial and governmental sectors had confronted dissipation and disruption. In the long term, the technological initiative is incapable of maintaining its environmental meaning. China ought to restore its focuses on policy commitment rather than technological hype in responding to climate change.
