
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 東亞地緣政治結構對中國歷代大戰略的影響
卷期 54:3
並列篇名 East Asian Geopolitical Structure and Its’ Impact on the Variation of Ancient China’s Grand Strategies
作者 王俊評
頁次 071-105
關鍵字 東亞地緣政治結構中國大戰略East Asian geopolitical structureChinagrand strategyTSSCI
出刊日期 201109




Geopolitical structure analyzes the distributions of political and
international power gravity and resources. It differentiates shapes of structure by considering whether state can control the strategic line of communication of structure, and focuses on the strategic behavior between structure and the geopolitical features of every unit at each level, including geostrategic realms, regions, and states. State’s strategic behavior in a certain era is influenced by its own geopolitical settings and the structure. Historically,East Asia is a closed regional geopolitical structure, but the dominating state of East Asia, China, is rarely a hegemony. The shapes of structure change between nonpolarity, unipolarity, bipolarity, multipolarity, and tripolarity. China therefore usually competes with other power centers in controlling areas suitable for the development of Han agricultural civilization and with other important defense or economic interests. The grand strategies of ancient China from
Western Zhou were usually offensive/expansionist oriented consequently, but
also with accommodationist character to avoid fighting simultaneously.
During the Song and the Ming dynasties, offensive/expansionist is replaced
by defensive strategy due to significant structural changes. Only in the mid-Eastern Han and Qing, there were no real challengers in the hegemonic
structure, accommodateonist thus predominates the preferences of grand
