
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 後農業稅時代中國農村村幹部角色變化與地方治理
卷期 55:3
並列篇名 The Abolition of the Agricultural Tax and Changes to Local Governance in Rural China: Observations from the Changing Roles of Village Cadres
作者 于有慧
頁次 035-055
關鍵字 中國農村國家與社會關係基層治理村幹部角色rural Chinastate and society relationslocal governanceroles of village cadresTSSCI
出刊日期 201209




In 2000, China’s central government noticed the severity of its rural
development problems and started to implement reforms. The adoption of the
tax-for-fee policy and the abolition of the agricultural tax were meant to
relieve the heavy burden of peasants and to constrain the predatory behaviors of local cadres. The unintended consequence of these reforms was the withdrawal of power from the township government, leaving villages
neglected by the state. On the other hand, villages gained renewed
opportunities for self governance. In the absence of power, village cadres
were free to resume their paternalistic roles and consequently their style of leadership had a profound impact on local governance. In some areas, local governance was anarchic, while in others villages developed by taking
advantage of new polices and markets. This paper argues that the roles played by village cadres have been critical to the performance of local governance in less developed areas of rural China. As intermediaries between the state and society, the autonomy of the village cadres remained intact despite changes in state policies.
