
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 想像的階層流動:中國大陸台灣學生的就學就業分析
卷期 55:3
並列篇名 Imaginated Mobility: Taiwanese Students Studying in China
作者 林平
頁次 057-083
關鍵字 社會流動移民中國大陸台灣學生social mobilitymigrationMainland ChinaTaiwanese studentsTSSCI
出刊日期 201209


當大部分以國際學生為主題的研究,著重在已開發國家中的外籍學生時,本文是以進入開發中國家的學生為對象。根據筆者2004-2005 年與2009-2011年對廣州、上海與北京三地大學全職就讀的台灣學生觀察,加上其他相關資料,筆者發現,影響台灣學生在兩岸間就學與就業意願的,表面上是務實的就學/就業機會,但深層的原因是對中國的想像以及階層上升的期望。早期當事人多成長於戒嚴時期,受到當時台灣社會的影響,對中國大陸有著「古典中國」的想像,偏好前往有一定歷史意涵的大學進修文史哲或中


While social mobility and international migration are regarded as two
irrelevant fields of studies, this author argues that both are important to
illustrate the features of international students, especially Taiwanese college students in China. The author presents that their image of China and motivation for upward mobility as the crucial factors to explain their study in China. Respondents pursuing college degrees of the early stage
(early 1990s)were fond of the image of Historical China in cities like Beijing. They aimed for the embedded Chinese cultural capital and treated it as the key element to define their positions in the social strata. Respondents of the mid stage(late 1990s- early 2000s)were attracted to the image of Modern China in cities like Shanghai. They expected to accumulate both the embedded and the institutionalized capital in order to have their own careers in China.Respondents after early-2000s are
pragmatic. They stress on the education or training which will lead to profitable jobs in the future. However, few respondents reach their goals. Respondents of the early stage discovered that the authentic Chinese culture was gone, and China is no longer the proper place to enrich their Chinese cultural capital. Respondents of the mid stage eventually realized that social capital, instead of cultural capital, was vital to their own careers in China. The most recent respondents are still bothered because their Chinese degrees still are not recognized in Taiwan. Although most respondents enriched their lives via studying in China, they obtained less than what they originally expected.
