
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中國威脅論之解析-以日本相關研究文獻為例
卷期 55:3
並列篇名 On “China Threat” — Perspective in Japanese Literatures
作者 邵軒磊
頁次 085-105
關鍵字 中國威脅論亞洲身分認同戰後日本China ThreatAsian-identityPost-war JapanTSSCI
出刊日期 201209




Due to rapid growth of China’s national power, “China Threat” has become an important issue since late 20th Century. It involves not only academic debates over power issue, but also China’s diplomatic policy. This article, by examining academic and public opinions, discusses discourse of “China Threat” in the post-World War II Japan. This essay argues that the “China Threat” discourse in Japan had a unique development: in earlier stage it followed whatever discourse raised by the US in the context of the Cold
War system, but in later stage Japan’s discourse originated from its direct
engagement with China.
