
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中國公共外交中海外華人參與之研究:以歐美的一些組織與活動為例
卷期 55:4
並列篇名 Overseas Chinese Participating in China’s Public Diplomacy: Organizations and Activities in Europe and America as Examples
作者 梁文興
頁次 031-058
關鍵字 公共外交海外華人非政府組織軟實力public diplomacyoverseas Chinesenon-government organizationssoft powerTSSCI
出刊日期 201212




Prior to China’s promotion of public diplomacy, overseas Chinese have
been involved in related affairs; their motives have been patriotism and
national sentiment. China, thus, adapts such sentiment to promote the
overseas public diplomacy by encouraging overseas Chinese to present
China's national conditions and policies to foreign nationals. A strong, nongovernmental force – rarely seen under the absolute official control by
China’s public diplomacy – has emerged among the overseas Chinese.
Particularly, the participation of overseas Chinese in Europe and America is the most keen. They establish organizations, associations or network as platforms to create certain impact on local government’s policies and public opinions. Their activities are mostly autonomous, with intentions to overlook China’s control. As a result, their activities lead to the restriction of China’s public diplomatic functions and damage the overall effectiveness. This is the problem that China needs to face in relying on non-governmental organizations and the public as the main entity of public diplomacy implementation. This study first summarizes the background, current status and characteristics of overseas Chinese in participating public diplomacy. Through 1)China’s expectation of overseas Chinese in the participation of public diplomacy, 2)China’s operation in foreign public diplomacy, and 3)the responses of people in Europe and America to the image of China, this study comments on the participation effectiveness of overseas Chinese and the impact towards China’s public diplomacy.
