
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中國知識社群如何重構「柔性權力」理論:回顧與批判
卷期 55:4
並列篇名 How China’s Epistemic Community Remakes Soft Power: A Critical Literature Review
作者 楊昊蕭新煌趙晧嵎
頁次 059-088
關鍵字 國際關係理論理論本土化中國特色柔性權力中國文化international relations theorytheoretical localizationChinese characteristicssoft powerChinese cultureTSSCI
出刊日期 201212




Since the 1980s, Western discourses on international relations theories
had been introduced to China with the increasing volumes of publications on
international studies. Accordingly, attention among China’s IR epistemic
communities was drawn upon the debate over the intellectual construction of
China’s international studies and the promotion of China’s theoretical
undertakings with local traits. New attempts, therefore, are initiated to draft and re-make China’s perspectives of international politics. One of the significant issues is the introduction and reproduction of soft power in China. This article will begin by introducing intellectual continuity and ruptures on Marxism in China and its implication to the making of international relations theories with Chinese characteristics. Then, it will provide a critical assessment on how China’s epistemic communities re-make the American concept of soft power with Chinese contents. It argues that China’s discourse on soft power is correspondent to serving its national interests and grand strategy. Through the critical literature review, a general understanding of soft power with Chinese characteristics will be clearly framed.
