
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中國大陸黨管幹部原則下的公務員體制
卷期 56:1
並列篇名 Public Service System and The Nomenklatura System In China
作者 桂宏誠
頁次 061-089
關鍵字 大陸公務員中共幹部人事制度黨管幹部PRC public servantsCCP cadre personnel systemnomenklatura systemTSSCI
出刊日期 201303


本文主要論旨在於說明,中國大陸2006 年開始實施《中華人民共和國公務員法》所建構的公務員體制,本質上仍屬於中共原有幹部體制的一部分。尤其,不僅中共黨機關工作之人員亦屬公務員,且該法第4條還明定了「堅持黨管幹部原則」,皆表明了認識中國大陸此一具有「中國特色」的公務員制度,首須了解幹部的意義及其與公務員的關係。然而,目前台灣就此課題的研究成果尚屬缺乏,以致於對中國大陸公務員制度的認識容易造成若干程度的誤解。有鑑於此,本文首先分析了大陸所稱之「幹部」和台灣的認知並不相同,進而說明大陸的公務員範圍幾乎等同於「幹部」中的「黨政幹部」。再者,本文針對若干台灣研究者誤認大陸最高人事行政或公務員的主管機關,根據《中華人民共和國公務員法》研擬及審議過程的意見及相關法規文獻,具體指出中共中央組織部才是大陸公務員的最高主管機關。最後,本文介紹中共建政不久即開始實施至今的「幹部職務名稱表」制度,除藉以解釋《中華人民共和國公務員法》中若干條文定有「按照管理權限」規定的涵義外,更用來強調了解此一落實「黨管幹部」的具體做法,才是正確認識大陸公務員制度的前提。


This article elaborates that the main spirit of the public servant system –
based on the Public Servant Law of the People’s Republic of China(PRC)
implemented in 2006 – is not different from that of the cadre personnel
system of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). It is because that the PRC’s public servants belong to a group of CCP’s party cadres, and based on
the principle that the CCP assumes the responsibility for cadre management
affairs,the difference between party cadres and public servants is limited.
This article first indicates that the term of party cadres is not what most
Taiwanese scholars think about, and the category of PRC’s public servants is almost equal to that of CCP’s party cadres. Secondly, this article clarifies some misunderstandings among Taiwan’s academic circles and indicates that the highest responsible authority in charge of PRC’s public servants is the Department of Organization – which is responsible for researching and reviewing the Public Servant Law. Finally, this article explains that some regulations in the Nomenklatura System are applicable to the Public Servant Law and that the concept of party assuming the responsibility for cadre management affairs is the main foundation of the Law.
