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篇名 艾灸煙味對中醫護理人員健康影響之研究
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Health Effect of Occupational Moxibustion Smoke Exposure in Chinese Medicine Nurses
作者 劉俊廷陳高彰洪裕強林建雄蔡明諺
頁次 9-19
關鍵字 艾煙空氣品質健康症狀中醫護理Moxibustion smokeIndoor environmental qualitySubject symptomsChinese medicine nursingTSCI
出刊日期 201401


目的: 艾灸的功效在產生臟腑雙向調整,並提昇免疫和內分泌功能。然而艾灸燃燒產生 的煙味,難免造成室內空氣品質不良,對健康產生影響。本研究透過回溯性方法,了解艾 煙暴露量對護理人員的健康影響,以作為日後的防護管理。
方法: 於民國101年3月1日至102年2月28日間,透過座談與問卷發送至長庚醫院各院區 中醫門(住)診的現職護理人員,採不記名作答。以暴露於艾煙的時間分成低艾煙暴露組(≦4 診/週)與高艾煙暴露組(≧5診/週)。
結果: 受訪的73位護理人員平均年齡為34.6歲,83.6%在中醫服務年資為1年以上。41位 為低艾煙暴露組;32位為高艾煙暴露組,其中又有6.3%每天艾煙暴露時間超過8小時。兩組 間在環境感受滿意度和自覺症狀等做卡方檢定,顯示高艾煙暴露組對環境通風不良的感受 較明顯(p=0.006),自覺症狀則以產生刺激性和神經毒性症狀的比例較高(p<0.05)。護理人員 中40位曾懷過孕,5位曾在中醫服務期間發生過自然流產,流產機率在兩組間無明顯不同。
結論: 研究發現多數護理人員對中醫部門的工作環境滿意,但是對艾煙暴露的自主感覺 不佳,約有2成的護理人員產生病態大樓症候群的狀況。如何能保留灸療的功效,並改善室 內空調系統以減少艾煙對人體的危害,是醫療院所努力的方向。


BACKGROUND: Nurses are exposed to moxibustion smoke during daily activities in the Chinese medicine department. Previous studies suggest that moxibustion smoke at occupational exposure levels may be harmful to health, but these studies are not consistent or conclusive.
exposure levels may be harmful to health, but these studies are not consistent or conclusive. METHODS: Self-administered questionnaires were completed by occupational moxibustion smoke (OMS) exposed nurses employed between March 2012 and February 2013. Questions were asked about work-related exposures, perceptions of environmental quality, subjective symptoms, and pregnant history. Exposure to OMS was estimated using task-based environmental exposure measurements and self-reported task frequencies. Exposure time to OMS was divided into high exposure group (>12 hrs/week) and low exposure group (≦ 12 hrs/week). Continuous variable was modeled using independent t test, and categorical data was calculated for chi-square test.
RESULTS: Most nurses felt the worse environmental quality and the higher proportion of subjective symptoms when exposures to OMS. Thirty-two nurses highly exposed to OMS took significant difference in perceptions of work-related exposures, environmental quality and subjective symptoms compared to forty-one nurses with low OMS exposure. Exposure to OMS was not associated with premature delivery.
CONCLUSION: Moxibustion smoke mayn’t reduce fertility but increase subject uncomfortable symptoms among occupationally exposed Chinese medicine nurses.
