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篇名 普通教育師和特殊的合作學—從介入反應的實務談起
卷期 127
並列篇名 Collaboration between General Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers: RTI Implementation
作者 Diane P. Bryant柯惠菁
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 合作教學介入反應co-teachingRTI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2013.127.01-08




This article presented the speech of Drs. Diane Bryant and Brian Bryant in the Conference of the Northern Region in Counseling and Guidance, hosted by the Special Education Center of National Taiwan Normal University. The main theme was how collaboration between general education teachers and special education teachers could be done. The speakers introduced Response to Intervention (RTI), explained the importance of collaboration and the elements of promoting successful collaboration, and also provided collaboration models. Lastly, they also shared how to solve conflicts in the team collaboration process.
