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篇名 「攜手計畫課後扶助方案」補救教學方法之探究
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Observation of Teaching Methods from “After School Alternative Program”
作者 朱家儀黃秀霜陳惠萍
頁次 093-114
關鍵字 攜手計畫補救教學教學方法teaching methodsASAPunder-achievementremedial teachingTSSCI
出刊日期 201301


2006年教育部之「攜手計畫課後扶助方案」正式開辦,此方案之目的在於弭平學習落差,全國第八次教育會議中更以「公義」做為政策主軸之一,可見中央已正視到弱勢且低成就學童之學習問題。除推動「攜手計畫課後扶助方案」外,為落實補救教學效益,更於2008年建置「攜手計畫課後扶助方案評量計畫」,除篩選全國中小學學習落後之學生外,更能檢視受輔學生之學習歷程,據此期待更多的身分弱勢及學習低成就雙低之學童受惠。 本文旨在探悉南部一所2010年至2012年在「攜手計畫課後扶助方案評量計畫」上有所進步之小學,藉以細究進步背後之教學方式。研究方法部分以個案成績量化資料之文件分析、個案研究法及質性研究方法,記錄及觀察溫暖國小在補救教學上如何致使學生在學業成就上有所成效,期盼提供更多國民中小學在補救教學上之參考。 研究結果顯示補救教學教師在教學科目上以數學科為主要科目,在教學方式上為補救教學上解題技巧提點,教材上以學生之學科基礎能力為主,且授課教師與學生互動方式多元,真正落實本方案個別化補救教學之目的。


After School Alternative Programs have been carried out since 2006. The project aims to offer disadvantaged students more opportunities to achieve grades above their usual standard. The purpose of this study is to examine how students participating in After School Alternative Program (ASAP) improved their performance between 2010 and 2012 in relation to the results they obtained. In order to understand how students who participate in ASAP can improve their grades, we observed how the teacher’s approach to educating. The research used a case study and qualitative methods to obtain its results. The subjects we chose for the purposes of this research were 5th graders who had participated in ASAPs, because, according to the test data base (ASAP-tbt), they appeared to be the cohort that had made the most significant progress. From the observational analysis, it appears the teaching methods used in ASAPs can promote students’ level of achievement, for example, one-to-one attention and guidance in problem-solving appears to be effective. Therefore, it is of interest to this study to examine how teaching methods can be put to best use in remedial instruction.
