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篇名 幹細胞所調控的神經生長與神經保護作用
卷期 4:專刊
並列篇名 Stem Cell-Mediated Neurogenesis and Neuroprotection
作者 馬明傑周秀慧蔡怡汝江漢聲陳建志
頁次 001-011
關鍵字 神經幹細胞神經前驅細胞神經生長神經保護作用
出刊日期 200612




Stem cell-mediated organ protection has recently generated intense public interest and manyscientific investigations. Realizing the therapeutic promise of stem cells depends onunderstanding the mechanisms underlying how to achieve cell proliferation, mobilization, andintegration during injury. In the present paper, we review recent findings of the potentialities ofusing endogenous or exogenous stem cells as a neuroprotectant in laboratory and clinical trials.Using the concept of recruitment, scientists have tried to survey the strategies of how endogenousmitotic activity in various regions of the mammalian brain promotes self-repair of the adult centralnervous system. Different work has demonstrated that with the peripheral delivery of stem cellsafter a lesion, cells selectively migrate and target damaged brain to improve the functional recovery.The criteria for adult stem cells instead of cells derived from embryos seem to be more restricted,as their accessibility, abundance, and potency decline with age, or may be affected by disease, sothese factors should be carefully evaluated in the future.
