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篇名 阿茲海默氏病病患之記憶障礙檢測
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 Memory Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease
作者 徐榮隆邱浩彰
頁次 113-119
關鍵字 阿茲海默氏病記憶障礙阿茲海默氏病聯合登錄研究組織Alzheimer's diseaseMemory impairmentCERAD
出刊日期 200609


阿茲海默氏病是老年人常見的神經退化性疾病,國内盛行率約為2.5哚。記憶障礙 在這類病人中是主要常見的表現。本研究收集213位不同嚴重度的阿茲海默氏病病患, 以中文化CERAD神經心理學檢查有關記憶功能檢查部分和迷你心智狀態測驗,探討 阿茲海默氏病病患的記憶功能,並尋找與記憶相關的因素。研究結果顯示病人的記憶 功能與整體認知功能隨疾病的嚴重度增加而逐步下降,當以複迴歸的方式來探討影響 Memory ratio的結果時,發現Memory ratio與字串再認能力、CDR組別、類別性語言 流暢度間彼此相關(p<0.0001),其中以字串再認能力相關程度最大(p<0.0001),其次為 CDR組別(p = 0.017),最後才是類別性語言流暢度(p = 0.24)。這樣的結果與過去文獻所 得的結論相同,表示阿茲海默氏病病患的記憶障礙與顳葉病變相符合,且本研究工具 應可適用於此類的研究。


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common neurological diseases in aged people, with a prevalence of about 2.5%. With AD, memory impairment is the most common symptom. In this study, we collected 213 different stages of AD and used the Chinese version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) neuropsychological battery to evaluate the dementia patients. We selected the memory subtest, which includes word list memory, word list recall, and word list recognition, and the verbal subtest in this battery and determined relationships between the memory subtest and other factors. Our results showed the global cognition and memory function gradually deteriorated as the dementia stage increased. The most significant correlation with memory ratio was word list recognition (p < 0.001), which represents temporal lobe function. The Memory ratio did not show a strong correlation with frontal lobe function (p = 0.24). This finding is compatible with previous studies and also demonstrates that the Chinese version of the CERAD neuropsychological battery can be applied to the field of study of cognitive dementia.
