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篇名 Efficacy of Laser-Assisted Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 雷射輔助精子顯微注射的效用
作者 林禹宏黃建榮謝碧純黃詩嘉陳靜玉陳培欣
頁次 139-143
關鍵字 卵質內精子顯微注射紡錘絲雷射Intracytoplasmic sperm injectionSpindleLaser
出刊日期 200609


目的:傳統的卵質内精子顯微注射可能會傷害到纺錘絲,本研究的目的是探討一 種改良式的精子顯微注射是否能改善預後》方法:本研究包括20位患有男性不孕症且 準備接受精子顯微注射的夫婦》成熟的卵子分別接受傳統的卵質内精子顯微注射或改 良式的精子顯微注射。改良式的雷射輔助精子顯微注射是先用雷射在遠離極體的透明 帶打一個洞,再從這個洞將精子注入卵子,比較兩組的受精率、受損率、及胚胎分裂。 結果:從20位婦女共得到342顆成熟卵子,其中165顆以雷射輔助精子顯微注射受 精,177顆以傳統的精子顯微注射受精。受精率、受損率、及胚胎分裂率在雷射輔助精 子顯微注射受精這一組分別是84.8%,3.0%,91.4%,在傳統的精子顯微注射這一組分別是 87.6%,4.0%,and89.7%。都沒有顯著意義。結論:雷射輔助精子顯微注射並不比傳統的 精子顯微注射好。


Background and Purpose: Traditional intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) might damage the spindles. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if a modified ICSI procedure can improve the outcome of ICSI. Methods: Twenty couples with male-factor infertility who were going to undergo ICSI were enrolled in the study. Mature oocytes from every woman were randomized for fertilization by conventional ICSI or a modified, laser-assisted ICSI. The laser-assisted ICSI was performed by making a hole in the zona pellucida away from the polar body with a laser, then performing ICSI through the hole. The fertilization, damage, and embryo cleavage rates were compared between the 2 groups. Results: Altogether, 342 metaphase II oocytes were obtained from the 20 women. Among them, 165 oocytes were treated by laser-assisted ICSI, and 177 by conventional ICSI. The fertilization, damage, and cleavage rates in the laser-assisted group were 84.8%, 3.0%, and 91.4%, and were 87.6%, 4.0%, and 89.7%, respectively, in the conventional ICSI group. All comparisons were non-significant. Conclusions: We concluded that laser-assisted ICSI is no better than conventional ICSI.
