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篇名 心肌梗塞情境模擬溝通課程對提升護理人員溝通能力成效之研究
卷期 61:2
並列篇名 The Effect of a Scenario-Based Simulation Communication Course on Improving the Communication Skills of Nurses
作者 黃雅萱謝素英許麗齡
頁次 33-43
關鍵字 情境模擬教學溝通能力心肌梗塞Scenario-based simulationCommunication capabilityMyocardial infarctionMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201404
DOI 10.6224/JN.61.2.33


背景:病人罹患心肌梗塞後,因對本身疾病之不瞭解而伴隨高度焦慮,極需有效的護理指導。良好溝通在專業護理照護中具有多重意義與價值,護理人員可善用溝通技巧,系統性地提供疾病相關知識,不僅能增進病人自我照顧能力,更可有效減緩其焦慮程度。目的:以實驗性研究探討心肌梗塞情境模擬教學課程對護理人員溝通能力提升之成效。方法:採實驗性前後測研究設計;以分層區組隨機分派(stratified block randomization)取樣北市某區域醫院N~N2內科護理人員(N = 122)為研究對象;實驗組接受情境模擬教學,控制組則採案例討論教學。並以「溝通能力查檢表」測量課程介入後之成效,研究資料使用SPSS 17.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行統計分析。結果:實驗組以相依樣本t檢定進行教育介入對護理人員溝通能力之學習成效分析,結果達統計上顯著差異(p < .001),顯示「情境模擬教學課程」之介入,有助於提昇護理人員對心肌梗塞病人之溝通能力。而以ANCOVA檢定,比較教育介入後實驗組及控制組護理人員溝通能力之組間差異,亦呈現統計上顯著差異(p < .001)。結論:心肌梗塞情境模擬教學介入,對護理人員溝通能力之提昇,顯著高於傳統案例討論教學。


Background: Limited disease knowledge is frequently the cause of disease-related anxiety in myocardial infarction patients. The ability to communicate effectively serves multiple purposes in the professional nursing practice. By communicating effectively with myocardial infarction patients, nurses may help reduce their anxiety by keeping them well informed about their disease and teaching them self-care strategies.Purpose: This research evaluates the communication skills of nurses following scenario-based simulation education in the context of communication with myocardial infarction patients.Methods: This study used an experimental design and an educational intervention. The target population comprised nurses of medicine (clinical qualified level N to N2 for nursing) working at a municipal hospital in Taipei City, Taiwan. A total 122 participants were enrolled. Stratified block randomization divided participants into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received clinical scenario-based simulation education for communication. The control group received traditional class-based education for communication. Both groups received a pre-test and a Communication Skills Checklist post-test assessment. Results were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows software.Results: A t-test showed significant increases in communication skills (p < .001) in the experimental group and ANCOVA results identified significant between-group differences (p < .001) in communication skills following the education intervention.Conclusions: The results indicate that clinical scenario-based simulation education for communication is significantly more effective than traditional class-based education in enhancing the ability of nurses to communicate effectively with myocardial infarction patients.
