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篇名 新生兒加護病房早產兒正確築巢擺位照護模式之改善專案
卷期 61:2附冊
並列篇名 Improving the Provision of Nesting and Positioning for Premature Infants by Nurses in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
作者 陳巧旻林凱慧蘇綉雅林梅香許菊玲
頁次 41-49
關鍵字 早產兒發展性照護築巢擺位PrematureDevelopmental careNestingPositioningMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201404
DOI 10.6224/JN.61.2S.41




Background & Problems: Nesting and positioning is a common nursing skill used in the developmental care of premature infants. This skill maintains premature infants in a comfortable position, facilitates the monitoring of stable vital signs, and enables spontaneous motor activity for normal neuromuscular and skeletal joint function.Purpose: This project was designed to improve nursing staff cognition and skills regarding nesting and positioning for premature infants in the NICU.Resolutions: Strategies used in this project were: develop an infant position assessment tool; record a demonstration video about nesting and positioning skills to provide learning efficacy among the nursing staff; and modify an education program for new nurses.Results: After implementation, nurse cognition regarding premature infant nesting and positioning increased from 58.3% to 92.3%. The rate of correct technique use similarly rose from 63.3% to 91.4%.Conclusions: This is a valid intervention for improving the correctness of nesting and positioning in nursing care. This project standardized education in terms of nesting and positioning practice goals and enhanced quality care for premature infants.
