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篇名 量化的探索式心理治療歷程研究回顧
卷期 2:專刊
並列篇名 The Review of Quantitative Discovery-oriented Psychotherapy Process Research
作者 李錦虹
頁次 013-029
關鍵字 心理治療過程發現式取向量化研究心理治療回顧psychotherapeutic processdiscovery-orientated approachquantitative researchpsychotherapy review
出刊日期 200412




It is unclear and there are controversial arguments on the mechanisms of thepsychotherapeutic process, how psychological change occurs, and how effective psychotherapyshould be conducted. The study of the psychotherapeutic process, therefore, has become theprimary research focus in recent decades, and has potential value to inform theory constructionand clinical practice. Discovery-oriented process research is an appropriate method for thispurpose. Recent quantitative research surrounding therapist variables, client variables, and dyadicinteractions was reviewed. Some frequently used research design and analytic methods areintroduced. In light of the complexity of the dynamic relationships involved, methods for thecareful evaluation of mutual characters, timing, and contextual factors to form optimalcompatibility are discussed in this paper.
