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篇名 大學生在主題統覺測驗(TAT) 中呈現的主題和防衛機轉
卷期 2:專刊
並列篇名 Themes And Defense Mechanisms Elicited by Thematic Apperception Test among College Students in Taiwan
作者 洪志美
頁次 073-088
關鍵字 主題統覺測驗TAT防衛機轉Thematic Apperception Testdefense mechanism
出刊日期 200412


背景和目的:主題統覺測驗(Thematic Apperception Test, TAT) 在美國是一種經常被使用的投射性測驗,雖然在施測卡片的數目、順序,和種類上各自不同,計分方法和解釋取向也很多樣化,而有些系統,如Cramer的DMM(DefenseMechanismManual)計分法則有令人滿意的評分者間信度和效度。目前國內心理衛生專業人員很少使用主題統覺測驗,相關研究亦付之闕如,因此本研究試圖探討台灣的大學生在TAT故事中常出現的主題和防衛機轉。方法:以輔仁大學男學生28 名,女學生34 名為受試,接受九張TAT 卡片的施測。目的為瞭解台灣的大學生在TAT 故事中常出現的主題,並以DMM計分法評估台灣的大學生在TAT 所呈現的三種防衛機轉:否認作用、投射作用和認同作用。結果:台灣的大學生在TAT 所呈現的故事主題與Groth-Marnat 所描述的主題大部分類似,但也有相異的地方。另外,台灣的大學生在TAT 中所呈現的否認反應的分數最高,認同反應的分數居中,投射反應的分數最低。若排除引發否認反應分數較高的三張卡片,結果發現認同反應的分數變成最高,否認反應的分數居中,而投射反應分數仍然最低。結論:男女性所呈現的防衛機轉無顯著差異,比較台灣大學生在TAT 中所呈現的主題防衛機轉和國外文獻的結果有所差異,並討論其中可能涉及的文化因素。


Background and Purpose: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a very popularprojective test in the United States. There are a diversity of administering procedures, scoringsystems and interpretation approaches that make comparison among researches regarding TAT adifficult task. However, Cramer developed a Defense Mechanism Manual (DMM) thatdemonstrated satisfactory inter-rater reliability and validity to score subject's defensemechanismselicited by TAT. Methods: In this research, 62 college students (28 males and 34 females) wereadministered 9 TAT cards and verbatim of their verbal responses were recorded. Themes in eachsubject's stories were summarized and defense mechanisms including Denial, Projection, andIdentification were scored using DMM. Results: Most themes elicited by TAT among collegestudents in Taiwan were similar to American subjects, although minor thematic differences werealso noted. However, college students in this research had highest Denial score and the lowestProjection score, with Identification score in between. When the three cards that elicited thehighest Denial score were excluded and data were analyzed again, Identification score turned outto be the highest, Denial in between, and Projection remained the lowest. Conclusion: Therewere no gender differences in terms of these three defenses. Results from this study were differentfrom Cramer's researches and the possible reasons for it will be discussed in the article.
