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篇名 921 助人者之替代性創傷與照顧—談救災經驗整合
卷期 2:專刊
並列篇名 Debriefing Relief Personnel with Vicarious Traumatization of the 9-21 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan
作者 陳美琴
頁次 089-099
關鍵字 921 地震救災經驗整合創傷後壓力症替代性創傷9-21 Chi-Chi earthquakedebriefingposttraumatic stressvicarious traumatization
出刊日期 200412


背景和目的:助人者,無論是醫生、護士、諮商或臨床心理師、社工師、警察、軍人、消防人員甚至老師等等,因為專業工作的性質,在某種程度上是身歷其境見證了創傷,例如921 震災、性侵害、虐待兒童、家庭暴力、警匪交戰、消防救人,或是其它的天災人禍等等。在這些不同情況的災難工作中,助人者無論以何種方式的介入,或是傾聽或是前往救災,總免不了會受到波及。直到最近才有學者注意到助人者在助人歷程中是要付出代價的,他們稱之為慈悲疲倦(compassion fatigue) 或替代性創傷(vicarious traumatization),這些學者已經注意到在創傷性工作之後,要對助人者進行適當的減壓與照顧。本文擬從921 賑災過程中,政府或民間機構對救災人員在高壓工作之下所提供的救災經驗整合(Debriefing)為例,做一探討。這是國內首次對救災人員提供具體的身心靈服務與照顧。方法:本問卷收集的時間是在88 年11 月至89 年6月之間,共發出140 份,有效問卷回收共有125 份,其中包括有:衛生單位、部隊、醫院的社工人員、護士、志工、臨床與諮商心理師及其他相關的輔導工作人員接受問卷調查。這些助人者來自北部(台北縣及桃園縣等地區),但工作範圍包括新莊、台北及中部災區,大部分直接參與救災工作,服務的地點在殯儀館、收容災民的帳棚、醫院、災區現場...等地方。他們的主要工作有醫療照顧、心理輔導、分發物資、行政工作如協助災民填寫表格,陪伴受難家屬,協調災民與行政單位間的聯繫,現場或災後調查災民的需求等等。結果:本調查結果顯示出助人者在921 賑災過程中所產生的一些症狀,如心理疲倦,身體疲勞,情緒不穩定、心情憂鬱、災難影像不自主的出現在腦海中、睡眠不穩、夢中會清醒等等,雖不致成為疾病,但相關單位仍不得忽視這些現象。結論:本研究的參與者認為救災經驗整合團體所提供的心理協助確實有幫助,並受到參與者相當高的肯定與支持。


Background and Purpose: Debriefing Relief Personnel with Vicarious Traumatization of the9-21 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan. Background and purpose: Such personnel as medical doctors,nurses, psychotherapists, social workers, police officers, soldiers, fire fighters, and even teachersoffer assistance by listening or acting in the course of their professions and to certain extents areaffected by different kinds of trauma when they respond to victims of phenomena such asearthquakes, sexual assault, family violence, and so on. Only recently have researchers paidattention to the effects on helpers in those situations. They noted the costs of helping behavior andlabeled it compassion fatigue or vicarious traumatization. These helpers need proper care andrelease from their tension and stress. In order to prevent so-called vicarious traumatization orcompassion fatigue, several related organizations provided opportunities to debrief reliefpersonnel who helped victims of the 9-21 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, and who voluntarilyparticipated in the debriefings.Methods: Data were collected from November 1999 to June 2000,and participants included 125 relief personnel fromdifferent fields includingmedicine, psychology,the military, social work, and other related areas. The placeswhere these people had assisted weredisaster areas, temporary tents for victims of the earthquake, funeral parlors, and hospitals. Theirmain services were medical care, guidance and counseling, distribution of donated goods,accompanying of families and victims, coordination with different offices, and investigation ofdamage in earthquake-ravaged areas. Results: This research found that the 9-21 relief personnelstudied herein have suffered traumatic syndromes such as psychological fatigue, unstableemotions, depression, flashbacks, sleeplessness, nightmares, and so on. Conclusion: The use ofdebriefing as a care activity for helpers of the 9-21 Chi-Chi earthquake has indeed been of greatassistance to the recipients.
