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篇名 Manic Defense Against the State of Depression- A Single Case Study of Child Psychoanalysis
卷期 2:專刊
並列篇名 對抗憂鬱位置的躁動防衛—單一個案研究
作者 林玉華
頁次 101-117
關鍵字 psychoanalytical researchpsychotherapyanxietydefensesingle-case study兒童精神分析心理治療焦慮防衛潛意識幻想
出刊日期 200412


背景和目的:防衛機制是一個耳熟而詳的精神分析概念,然而精神分析理論學家們對於防衛機制的定義與種類缺乏共識。到底有多少防衛機制在人的心智中運作?是否可由檢視單一個案的臨床素材中發現焦慮與防衛機制之運作方式?方法:研究員採用樣本分析質性研究法,重複閱讀200 次的心理治療逐字稿,列舉並分析出現在畫畫、遊戲、夢、以及故事中重複呈現的主題,最後以精神分析理論做進一步歸類。結果:五種不同的焦慮/防衛配對被發現:(1) 以「躁動」防衛對抗「不知」的焦慮;(2)以全能防衛對抗脆弱感;(3)以誇大防衛對抗不穩定與脆弱的內在父母;(4) 以次級肌膚對抗分離與被拋棄的焦慮;(5)伊底帕斯防衛對抗被父母配偶排除的焦慮。以上五種焦慮-防衛配對又可進一步被歸類為三種人際模式。結論:單一個案歷程分析顯示個體所採用的防衛機制是獨特的且與所面臨的焦慮種類有關,因此可藉由臨床素材指認出個體所採用的各種焦慮-防衛配對。未來研究可針對不同臨床個案,探討不同病症所呈現出的焦慮-防衛配對。


Background and Purpose: Psychoanalytic concepts of defense mechanisms have becomepopular slogans. Psychoanalytic theorists have named different kinds of defense mechanisms andhave attached various meanings to them.Howmany andwhat kinds of defenses actually operatein the human psyche? Could certain kinds of anxiety and defenses be established through closelyexamining the clinical material based on a single case study? Methods: The researcher employedthe Template Analysis qualitative research method, reviewed 200 psychotherapy sessions, andhighlighted the repeated themes thatweremanifested in the drawings, playing, dreams, and storiesrevealed in the consultation room. Led by psychoanalytic theories, the researcher further classifiedthose repeated themes into meaningful concepts. Results: Five different anxiety/defense pairswere found: (1) amanic defense against the fear of the unknown; (2) an omnipotent defense againstthe fear of being small and insignificant; (3) a megalomaniac defense and the fear of having anunstable or weak internal parent (4) a second-skin defense and the fear of separation andabandonment; (5) and an Oedipal defense against the fear of exclusion from the parental couple.These 5 themes were further classified into 3 different relational modes. Conclusion: This singlecase study showed that an individual's employment of various kinds of defenses is unique, and thatthey are related to the kind of anxieties encountered. The research also shows that throughstudying clinical material, it is possible to identify the kinds of anxiety-defense pairs employed byan individual. Further research with different types of clinical cases is needed to elucidate differenttypes of anxieties and defenses employed by individuals with different types of psychopathology.
