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篇名 關節炎之復健
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Arthritis Rehabilitation
作者 謝霖芬陳文珊莊志誠
頁次 017-043
關鍵字 關節炎復健運動arthritisrehabilitationexercise
出刊日期 200403




Patients with arthritis often suffer from pain, contracture, muscle weakness and jointinstability, resulting in physical disability and problems in activities of daily living &occupation. Althoughmedications and surgery could solve some of the problems, the sideeffects and complications concomitant with the therapies and the limitation of therapyindication make rehabilitation becomes an important part of arthritismanagement. In thisarticle, we will focus on the application of exercise, physical modality, hydrotherapy, spatherapy, orthotics, assistive device and patient's education in arthritis rehabilitation. Wewill also discuss briefly on rest, environmentalmanipulation and occupational conselling.Besides, there will be a discussion about the rehabilitation for specific arthritis problemssuch as polyarthritis (acute, subacute & chronic stage), spondylitis, and monoarthritisinvolving major weight-bearing joints of the lower limb.
