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篇名 女陰汗管瘤—病例報告及文獻回顧
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 Case Report and Literature Review
作者 黃潔貞羅婉心張琇棉
頁次 249-252
關鍵字 女陰汗管瘤vulvar syringoma
出刊日期 200412




Syringomas are common appendageal tumors of intraepidermal eccrine ducts. Clinically, thelesions usually consist of multiple, small, firm, skin-colored to yellow papules, 1 to 3 mm indiameter,mostly limited to the lower eyelids andmalar areas. Vulvar syringomas are relatively rare,with only a few cases reported in the literature to date.We report on a 41-year-old woman whovisited her gynecologist for lesions on her perineal area which had been present for 2 years. On thephysical examination, several skin-colored to brownish soft papules were observed on the rightvulva. A biopsy revealed that the histological change was compatible with a syringoma. A briefreview of the literature on this topic was made and is presented.
